
In May 2021, the Kana Wain Dida International conference and gathering brought together community members, academics, medical professionals, youth, and more, to learn and share with one another in the midst of the pandemic. This collection of Indigenous voices and experiences goes beyond the pandemic. From sharing lived experiences, to addressing health and well-being challenges and opportunities, as well as celebrating and remembering, this collection of workshops, resources and stories from the Kana Wain Dida gathering is an opportunity to continue to learn and grow with one another. Learn more.

The 2019 Ki Ta Ski Naw Conference took place from November 8th to 10th, 2019 in downtown Winnipeg at the University of Winnipeg. It brought together participants from Manitoba, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, the United States, Mexico, Latin America, and India to discuss the social, environmental, and economic impacts of hydro-development and explore solutions. ‘Ki Ta Ski Naw’ means ‘Our Land’ in Cree, and the theme for this conference was ‘Reflecting and Acting on Hydropower and Energy Justice’. The conference provided an opportunity for people experiencing similar struggles locally and globally to come together and recognize the common impacts of hydro development across borders. It was truly a chance to unite around a shared cause. Learn more.